The mission of the Disaster Relief ministry is to help the members of the Thousand Oaks Seventh-day Adventist Church be personally prepared for natural and man-made disasters that may occur in the Thousand Oaks area, and to assist their neighbors and agencies set up for that purpose.
The Bible teaches that natural and man-made disasters will always be with us, and will increase in intensity until Jesus Christ comes again (Matthew 24, Luke 21). The apostle Paul wrote that Earth is getting old like a well-worn garment, and John wrote in the Revelation that God will someday recreate this planet. Since that is true, Christians must be prepared for the reality of disasters and be ready to lovingly assist others when they strike.
This past year, the Disaster Relief ministry has hosted a First Aid class, a Home Preparedness Disaster Class, and a class co-sponsored with the Church of the Brethren on Caring for Children in a Disaster.
Leader – Tillie Sakai
Phone – (805) 498-8242